Josalyn Ortiz


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The Salmon Creek Journal is Washington State University's literary/visual arts journal and is published once a year. Both students and members of the community can submit prose, poetry, and visual works that align with the yearly theme and have their creative work pulished into a tangeble product.

As the Creative Director and Layout Manager for the Salmon Creek Journal, I worked alongside a team of creatives to design the cover, set brand guidelines, throughouly edit submissions, and put together the entirety of the journal for print publication. Additionally, I have some of my own creative works featured throughout the journal!

Rebirth and Reemergence

This years theme, Rebirth and Reemergence, is a compilation of all the trials, tribulations, and triumphs we have experienced while navigating the publishing landscape.Rebirth referes to the resurrection of a nearly forgotton university staple. At the same time, reemergence symbolizes a whole-hearted emrace of our origins and the artistic choices made by our far away predecessors. When we began envisioning what we wanted this issue to look like, we collectively fell in love with elements from our 1997, 1998, and 1999 issues.

The goal of the Salmon Creek Journal is to elevate artists on the WSU Vancouver campus, within the WSU system, and arcross the globe.

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Growing Pains

Off our 2023 theme, Rebirth and Reemergence, the Salmon Creek Journal is now finding its Buildinglegs and beginning to walk. In a sense, our publication is still a toddler. Because we’re run by university students, we all found that as we explored a theme that defined our purpose for this year, we resonated deeply with the fact that growing up is a beautifully horrifying yet universally shared experience. As we watch in an anticipatory state, guiding our journal while it walks on weak legs, we reflect on the uncertainties that accommodate growing up

We encouraged submitters to incorporate motifs such as nostalgia, saying goodbye to things that don’t serve them anymore, relinquishing preconceived notions of self, exploring their inner child, self-discovery and reflections of their past selves into their work.

Are you ready to bring your vison to life?